Getting to Chillagoe


From Cairns, take the Kuranda Range Road to Mareeba
Then at the Northern outskirts of Mareeba, turn left over Railway line and follow the "Wheelbarrow Way"
Drive to ----> Mutchilba ----> Dimbulah ----> Petford ----> Almaden and then on to ----> Chillagoe.
The total distance is 189Kms from the Smithfield Shopping Centre located at the base of the Kuranda Range
Time driving is approx 2.5 hrs from Cairns and about 1 hour and 40 min from Mareeba.
Take care as the last 15km is unsealed, be aware of wildlife & cattle crossing and road conditions.

Highway Map   |    Place & Distance Log   |    Chillagoe Town Map    |    RACQ Road Condition Report

TRAIN - The Savannahlander

The Savannahlander departs on its four day adventure from Cairns Station on Wednesday mornings at 6.30am. While the rest of Cairns is only just stirring into life, the train quietly slips out through the Northern Suburbs of Cairns, Freshwater and Redlynch, where it then begins its ascent of the famous Kuranda Range. Stops are made at Stoney Creek, Barron Falls and Kuranda. We then follow the Barron River around to Mareeba for a short stop and on to Mutchilba for a morning tea stop. Via Dimbulah we arrive at the first day's destination at 1.00pm, Almaden where lunch is available and most passengers will transfer over to Chillagoe by coach for an afternoon of touring the caves and their overnight accommodation. Contact Savannahlander on (07) 4053 6848 or go to  Savannahlander Website